Courtney Day
Girls Gallery Pics: What are some of the problems you've encountered as an up and coming model? And how long have you wanted to be a model?
Courtney Day: I have always wanted to be some type of model, but I never thought I would start out as an import model. My boyfriend got me into the scene when we met at a local performance shop owner, Tom Ngo. He brought up the possibility of me modeling for his car and shop while making some money on the side at the same time. I figured this would be a good way to get my foot in the modeling door while at the same time promoting Tom's shop and my own team. As far as setbacks go, I don't really know of any. I never really tried to model before this. A few websites wanted me to model for them, but only if I did nude shots. So I graciously declined.

Courtney Day: (Laughs) Beloved fans huh? Well maybe some day. Yeah my first priority is getting a good education and finishing college. Modeling seems to be taking off for me more than I anticipated though so we will see where that takes me. It's frustrating because I am already finding myself making more money doing this than my regular job and they aren't too lenient on giving me time off anymore. But if my modeling continues to progress the way it is now, I hope to venture into the fashion world of modeling. (No disrespect to the import industry, that's where my roots will always be.) I have always wanted to be a fashion model on the pages of mainstream magazines.

I was born in San Diego and have lived in Ramona, a small quiet town in San Diego, all my life. I have an older sister and an older brother who influenced me a lot when I was younger. I rode skateboards, BMX bikes and three-wheelers. One incident, my brother got me to jump off a ramp going down hill on my bike I just got. I was quite the tomboy then.
At my early childhood, a tragic incident occurred unexpectedly. My dad passed away with cancer. That left my mom to take care of my brother, sister and me all by herself. Things went well throughout my elementary school years. I was very young so I didn't take the lost of my dad deeply as I have endured today. During my eight-grade year, trouble came to my family and we were forced from our house. I went to live with long time family-friends. I moved around to about seven places before I ended back with those family-friends and I've been there ever since. I am very grateful for their love and support.
Ever since I was a young girl, I wanted to be like one of those models wearing pretty wedding dresses on the cover of Bride magazine. When I was thirteen, I entered a contest in Seventeen Magazine but was unsuccessful. After that, I decided to focus more on school. During my high school years, I was very academically involved: Associated Student Body (ASB) Elections Commissioner, Student Senate, Vice President of the Science Club, and I was a Fusion Leader. But of course I needed something fun that was school oriented too, so I tried out for the Song Squad during my sophomore year. It's kind of like cheer leading and synchronize dancing mixed together. I was on the Squad for two years and selected to Captain during my junior year. I won the princess titles for both the Winterball and Homecoming dances.
My senior year I met my boyfriend, who introduced me to the Truckin' and Import scenes. I started going to the shows with him and Team Synergy. Throughout that year, I received a few offers with some import sites but turned them down because of their terms and conditions. The next year I got my first car and with the help of my boyfriend, I began modifying it. One of our friends told us about a local performance shop, The Hook Up Shop, and we started getting my parts there. We got to know the owner, Tom Ngo, and he brought up the import model scene and asked if I was interested in becoming an import model. I thought this would be a great way to meet people. So I took his offer to model for his famous silver '95 Mazda RX-7 and represent The Hook-Up Shop at all the import car shows.
And that brings me up to date. I am very excited about my upcoming first year and am extremely thankful for this huge opportunity Tom has given me.
Courtney Day - One Year Later...
It's now a year later and I am so happy with what I have accomplished. I would have never thought I would be on magazines, DVD's, gain a fan base, be on TV, or travel all over the place. I'd also like to point out what's even more important to me, is that I stuck to my morals, and feel I have proved to the nay sayers you do not need to take off your clothes, or do anything your not comfortable with, to succeed in modeling. All of this has been a wonderful experience and I want to thank everyone who has helped get me here. I can't wait to see what else lies ahead...