Natalie aka Natabee
Let's start by telling us your name and where you're from.
My name is Natalie and I'm from San Diego, CA.
What is your ethnic background?
I am Filipina and British.
How did you get your start in modeling?
Through gogo dancing. Photographers would see me at the club and want to shoot me. I never thought of being a model, but it just turned out that way.
I want to own my own business. That's what I'm leading towards in school right now, finishing my major in Business Administration.
What are your current projects?
In San Diego I work with a company called "Magic", and we're doin' a lot of charity work right now for the kids in the Philippines.
What kind of girl were you in high school?
I was the tomboy. I played field hockey, soccer and ran track. I was friends with the cheerleaders, but never a cheerleader! Haha! I wasn't really "girlie" then. I later made my transition to what I am today.

I'm in school most of the time, but when I do have it, I chill as much as I can.
In addition to modeling, what other talents do you posses?
I'm really good at mimicking people when they dance..haha!
What kind of music do you like?
I love Hip Hop...hands down!
Where's one place you'd like to go visit?
I'd like to go to England. I already went to the Philippines, so I want to get more familiar with the other side of my heritage.
What would be your favorite food?
I love Mexican food! San Diego has the best Mexican food there!

My favorite are my lips. In high school they would make fun of me, but later I grew into them. My least favorite is my butt.
What are your biggest turn ons and turn offs in a guy?
My turn on would be the way he carries himself. I don't like cocky guys, but I like confidence. My turn off is bad shoes! He can be a good looking guy, but if he has bad shoes...can't do it!
Are you currently single?
I am's complicated. Haha!
What type of guys do you go for?
I like athletic, smart guys. I was into sports when I was in high school, if I can out run you, it's probably not gonna work. And, you have to at least carry on a good conversation...I don't really believe in "love at first sight".
What puts you in a sexy mood?
R&B music! When ever I hear that slow jam, that'll do it!
What's the kinkiest thing you ever done?
When I used to live in a house with 5 girls...I guess having sex in the living room with the rooms on both sides of the living room.
Have you ever kissed a girl?
No, not really into that kinda stuff! Maybe just sweet good-bye kisses...does that count?
Would you go back and change anything in your past?
I wouldn't change anything...everything that has happened has brought me to where I am now.
What advice would you give someone who wants to do what you do ?
Have fun! Don't take yourself too seriously!
Where can we see more of you?
Find me on Myspace at