album - Raise Up (Full CD Single)
artist - Petey Pablo
label - unkown
genre - Hip-Hop
retail - 00/00/0000
rip - 07/24/2001
ripper - -=TEAM WHOA=-
rip quality - 192k
01 4:42 Raise Up (Main)
02 4:40 Raise Up (All Cities Remix)
03 4:40 Raise Up (Instrumental)
04 4:07 919
05 5:26 Snippets ("I" Ft. Timbaland "I Told Ya'll" , "Test
Of My Faith")
total rls playing time: 23:35 - total rls size: 32MB
Another HOT Release from WHOA!
Check #WHOA on Efnet for the hottest hip hop and rap
releases. #WHOAXDCC for this hot shit....