artist: Mos Def & Taleb Kweli
album: Blackstar
label: Rawkus
genre: Hip-Hop
rip date: 06/08/2002
rel date: 09/00/1998
# tracks: 13
size: 68MB
time: 50:04
ripper: Bobo
Mos Def and Taleb Kweli are Blackstar ... as always, if you
enjoy the artists, support them! Go to shows and buy their
01 Intro 1:11
02 Astronomy (8th Light) 3:23
03 Definition 3:26
04 RE:DEFinition 3:03
05 Children's Story 3:32
06 Brown Skin Lady 5:46
07 B Boys Will B Boys 2:36
08 K.O.S. (Determination) 4:49
09 Hater Players 4:08
10 Yo Yeah 1:10
11 Respiration 6:05
12 Thieves In The Night 5:17
13 Twice Inna Lifetime 5:38